When I was working on the 'Bronco Teddy' cartoon (please see the last two posts) naturally I wanted to listen to country music a lot, to get in the mood. The only country music CD I had in my apartment was a Lee Ann Womack CD, so I listened to that over and over again. (Here is a sketch of Lee Ann Womack.)

I liked listening to the Lee Ann Womack CD, but it did have one side effect, it made me cry a lot. Even after work, when I was walking around in a supermarket or wherever, I would start crying. I was afraid people would think I was mentally unbalanced!

I don't know much about country music, but I thought some of the Lee Ann Womack tunes had a sort of 'retro' country sound – they reminded me a bit of Tammy Wynette records from the '70s. [I've illustrated Tammy Wynette here.] I like the old Tammy Wynette records – most of the song ideas were goofy, and the recordings were really great.

Another country star I like a lot (just to name a few here) is Kitty Wells – I think she might have been the original Queen of Country? She sang songs like "A Heartache For A Keepsake" and "I Gave My Wedding Dress Away". I'd like to buy copies of ALL of her recordings, once I get my financial situation sorted out.

Another great country singer I like is Emmylou Harris – actually, Emmylou Harris is more of a country/folk singer/musician/songwriter ETC.!

I've had a bit of a crush on Emmylou Harris for the past twenty-seven years, but it's not likely I'll ever meet her. Because I'm a cartoon animator, living in Toronto, and I'm unemployed most of the time, and a bus ticket to Nashville would probably be really expensive, and a couple of guys would probably beat me up when I got off the bus in Nashville, and take the rest of my money –well, my prospects don't look . . . BUT WAIT! – I've got AN IDEA!

Okay, I've created a new cartoon character, so maybe I could ask Emmylou Harris to do some voice recording for my cartoon character, and maybe that way I could meet Emmylou Harris! It could work! Hmm, just let me run through the phone conversation in my mind . . .
"OH! Hello? Is this Emmylou Harris?"
"Yes, this is Emmylou. Who's this? Hello?"
"OH! Uh, my name is, uh - uh - uh - Graham? and I live in Toronto? and that's in Canada? and I'm a successful, professional cartoon animator, and I've just created a new cartoon character, and now the character needs a voice, and I heard some recordings of YOUR voice, and I thought your voice sounded pretty good – quite, quite good, actually – SO – I was wondering if you might think of, considering the possibility of doing some voice recording for my new cartoon character, Emmylou The Shrew."
"Emmylou the shrew?"
hahah these are great!