First up is The Generic Bug Show. Here is one of the generic bugs eating in a restaurant. He or she is lonely.

Here is another generic bug, in his/her apartment. This cartoon idea never caught on, maybe because all the characters are vermin and they all look exactly the same. Anyways I learned lot from this.

Next up is three dogs who are friends. Here they are on a holiday in Mexico. Note that they are not vermin and do not all look the same!

This is The Mighty Loofah, a megalomaniacal sponge. Unfortunately, since I drew this, someone else came up with a sponge cartoon character that has become quite popular - so I don't think there is much hope for my sponge.

Here is The Mighty Loofah's friend, Wiggy Pumice. He/she is basically a pumice stone with hair stuck on.

For years I've been wanting to make an animated cartoon about a bee, but recently somebody came up with an animated feature called 'Bee Movie', so I don't think my bee character will get anywhere. I have some more bee sketches - I'll try to put them on the blog soon.

Cute pandas are maybe overly-abundant in cartoonland these days . . . anyway this is my cute panda, he is called Randy Panda. He is one of those guys who for some reason is irresistible to the opposite sex. His catch phrase is, "Would you like to come back to my apartment for some spaghetti?"

Here is a 'cartoon couple'. What a goofy useless loafer, and how did he get a pretty glove for a girlfriend? Hmm, these two characters remind me of a real-life couple I know - actually, they remind me of EVERY real-life couple I know.

This little girl basically just has a crappy life. No producers seemed interested in this character? . . .

My next character is Swiss Fish. Actually this is a Canadian fish who is pretending to be Swiss because he thinks it's 'cool' . . .

but he can't even find Switzerland on a map . . .

and he has no idea how to milk a cow! Foolish fish!
Well, now that these cartoon characters are on a blog, who knows? An animation producer might notice them, and - WAIT! - What's that on my call display? - "HOLD: DISNEY." So long - I have to take a call! See ya! . . .
I want to make a film with your characters Graham. Seriously.